Tag Archive: solar system

The Solar Lease vs. Buy Debate; A Question of Math

In an earlier blog, Financing Your Renewable Energy System, we made the statement, “The lure of no money down for leasing is tempting, but the economics show that owning your system offers much better payback over the life of the…
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Solar Tracking Tips: To Track Or Not To Track?

The idea of installing a solar power system that automatically tracks the sun throughout the day, increasing its output by as much as 30% seems like such a great idea, but is it worth the extra expense and maintenance issues?…
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What Are The Best Solar Panels?

  We often get the question from customers, “What are the best solar panels for my home?” It depends on what you mean by best. In our experience at altE, for some customers “best” means highest efficiency per square foot,…
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Peak Shaving with Power Shifting and Load Shedding: An Overview

No, they are not new product lines from Gillette® and Weight Watchers®. Peak Shaving and Load Shedding are power management strategies that can help optimize your grid tied solar system. Elon Musk recently talked about peak shaving in his PowerWall…
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Financing Your Renewable Energy System

So you’re thinking about getting a grid-tied solar system installed on your house, but aren’t sure the best way to pay for it. Of course the good old saving your money and not buying until you can pay for it…
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AC Coupling – Adding A Battery Back-up Package To Your Existing Grid-tie System

Buyer’s Remorse.  “Why, oh, why didn’t I buy a battery backup PV system?” Or, “I hate looking at my new PV system shut off when the grid’s down.” You may already have a fabulous grid-tied solar system installed on your…
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