Earth Day Turns 50 This Year
Earth Day will be celebrated for the 50th time this year, with the theme …8220;taking action on climate change…8220;. We plan to celebrate by doing what we do every day – working to give everyone the opportunity to use clean, renewable energy – but let’s also take a look backward to examine how Earth Day got started, and how it has evolved over its first 50 years.
Viewing the Earth as a Whole
Ironically, it took humanity's departure from Earth to incite a fuller appreciation for it. Of the many contributions NASA's Apollo program made to our society, our species, and our understanding of the physical sciences, a single photograph captured by astronaut Bill Anders on Christmas Eve 1968 may be the most important and far-reaching.
For more on the history of Earth Day, head over to the Real Goods Blog for the full article!
To celebrate Earth Day, thru May 1 we're offering 10% off all solar panels when you use coupon code EARTHDAY20!